Thursday, August 23, 2018

Did Someone Say ‘Plumbing Permit’?

One of the best ways to tell if a plumbing technician is a legitimate expert in their field is to inquire about any permits that are required to perform the work on your home. Granted, the regulations that require prior permitted approval vary from one municipality to the next; however, a legitimate contractor should always be aware of what permits are required to perform work on the plumbing system in your home.

Some homeowners see the permitting process as a nuisance, an added expense, or even an infringement on personal privacy. After all, why should your bathroom remodel be of higher concern?

Think of the permitting process as a system of checks and balances. Yes, they can be a costly nuisance, and city code enforcers can be seen as intrusive at times, however the process is designed to protect and benefit residents, contractors, and the city.

Ways the Permitting Process May Protect & Benefit You

The requirement to obtain proper permits for plumbing projects helps to ensure that only licensed contractors, who have a full understanding of their craft, are overseeing the work done on you home. This protects you from being taken to the cleaners by someone who really does not understand the intricacies of a residential plumbing system.

The requirement to obtain proper permits for plumbing projects also protects you, as the consumer, because it requires that any work performed will be inspected by a city code inspector. This extra set of eyes may prove to be an invaluable resource, should an error be made.

Furthermore, this requirement may help protect your family's health, without you ever realizing it. Years ago, it was common to use lead solder when connecting water lines. Over time, lead that was being leached into the drinking water began to affect the health of the general public. Plumbing permits now require the use of lead-free solder.

A great plumbing contractor will always know exactly what permits to pull for your project, and how to get those permits approved quickly so that your work can be completed in a reasonable period of time.

For more information about the permitting process, or to request plumbing service, please contact us at The Polite Plumber!

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